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Washing beddings rightly will help you maintain the quality of your beddings and protect your family’s health as well. All the beddings are made from various materials: cotton, silk, satin,… For each material, there’s a different washing method. However, there’s still a common point among all of those materials, which you could notice to protect your family’s health and maintain the quality of your beddings.


1/ The frequency of washing beddings is not appropriate

washing beddings
The frequency of washing beddings is not appropriate

Many people assume that the more regular the washing, the cleaner the beddings get as well as the better the beddings’ quality. However, this is not true. When using too much washing liquid, after several washing, the quality of the beddings will be damaged remarkably. The most appropriate frequency for washing beddings is once a week. Nonetheless, you should do the cleaning the dirt daily.


2/ Not washing beddings by washing machine

washing beddings
Not washing beddings by washing machine

Long time ago, the washing machine has become the companion with many families. It helps you clean your clothes and your beddings quickly and conveniently. Just push a button and wait until the washing machine finished its job, then take your clothes for drying. However, according to professionals, you shouldn’t use the washing machine to wash your beddings.

Because in the squeezing process, the spinning force of the washing machine could badly ìnfluence the fibers and make your beddings be threadbare. For a long time, your beddings will get old and damaged. Besides, the fibers and colours of beddings are very sensitive with washing liquid. You should consider carefully the washing liquid before getting your beddings washed.

If the bed sheets stuck with the tough dirt, you should focus the washing liquid on those dirty spots, then gently clean the dirt. You should avoid soaking your beddings in washing liquid for a long time. This will not only affect the quality of beddings, but also lose the beauty of the beddings.


3/ Get rid of each kind of dirt

washing beddings
Get rid of each kind of dirt

With different kinds of dirt, there is a different cleaning method. Therefore, you should understand thoroughly the cleaning methods to maintain the fabric quality.

Wet dirt

With the tough dirt, you should use safe and neutral washing liquid.

Solution 1: Dissolve Baking Soda in water according to the ratio of 1:2. After that soaking the dirt in the liquid about 30 minutes. Due to the base of Baking Soda, the tough dirt on bed sheets will be removed quickly and still maintained the colours of the sheets.

Solution 2: Use white vinegar to remove the dirt effectively. You could find out the vinegar easily at markets and supermarkets. You just need to gently rub the vinegar on the dirt of the bed sheets and use a brush to slightly brush on the sheets. After 2-3 minutes, the dirt will disappear.

Solid dirt

If it’s just a normal dry dirt, with a simple shake you will get rid of it completely. After that use the sticky roller to slightly roll on the beddings to remove wholly all the dust, fallen hairs and pet furs. You should do this daily since you will lie on the beddings daily.

Irregularly washing beddings will make your skin easily get allergy or even make your family easily get dangerous skin diseases. Specifically, you should notice your children’s beddings because toddler’s skin is sensitive and easily got red rash.

Normally washing by hand or by washing machine cannot get rid of the dirt, fibers and pet furs wholly. Not many people know this. They simply assume that by using the washing liquid, the beddings have already been cleaned, but they aren’t. To completely remove all the dirt, you should use High Grade Strong Short to slightly roll on the beddings and clean them.


4/ Dry beddings wrongly

Another wrong idea is drying the beddings under the hard sunlights will better the cleaning for beddings. You should forget that idea. In fact, by drying the beddings under the hard sunlight, you are destroying the quality of the beddings badly. When the sunlight directly impacts the fabric fibers, it will break the structure of the fibers and weaken the fibers. Therefore, instead of dry the beddings under the sun, you should dry them in a shading and windy place.

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